Monday, April 21, 2008


I used to be poor.  Not truly poor, I mean, but student poor.  The kind of poor where you have to choose between paying your tuition and paying your power bill.  The kind of poor where you rely on the patience and pity of the apartment rental office to keep a roof over your mattress on the floor.  The kind of poor where you buy the 10 lb. bag of rice and some spices and begin saving for next month's grocery bill.  The kind of poor where you don't have to live like this; where one call to your parents would rescue you, where quitting school and getting a real job would put you in a car that runs every day, where a larger student loan (that you wouldn't be able to repay) or a credit card (that you would max out and default on in three months) would buy you a half a year of a "normal" life.  Basically, the kind of poor you choose.

I would like to say that this experience forced me to become a master of money management, a financial genius.  That my power was never turned off.  That on the $400 left after rent, I was able to pay my power, phone, tuition, and grocery bills.  I was not.  Not always.

But most of the time, I was.  During that time, I was able to scrimp here and there, though never to save.  I was able, most months, to get by.  To more than get by, actually.  I was able to enjoy my life.  Deeply enjoy.  I spent time with friends.  Went out.  Traveled. I had time to be thoughtful and creative.  I was rarely bored or worried about money.  I did not accrue excessive debt or feel that I had to in order to live well. 

I have a bit of money now.  A house, a husband, two dogs, and plans for a family.  I do not want to return to those days.  Whatever nostalgia I feel, my life is better now.  However, I can't help but wonder how I was able to do the things I did on $400 that I can't seem to afford on $2000 now.  How was I able to do so much on so little?  Why do I now need the larger trashcan when I used to only carry out one bag a week?  Rice aside, why is my grocery bill so high? My electric bill outrageous? Most importantly, why does it seem that I can't afford the time with friends, the travel, the free time that was so cheap then?

There are the usual culprits, the necessities of adulthood: a running car (the windows go down and up), a mortgage, health insurance (oh, luxury), and a retirement plan (hopefully, old age is inevitable).   I would not sacrifice these things in order to have more fun.  However, none of these things eat up enough money to explain the discrepancy in lifestyle.  What I find, when I really examine my life, is that, having decided to be a "grown-up," I have abandoned habits, borne out of necessity, that actually made my life more fulfilling, more fun. 

I no longer need to sacrifice for the things that are important to me, so I no longer choose what is important to me.  I waste more because I am able to buy more.  I am no longer forced to rely on the kindness of strangers, so I head-off offers of kindness, viewing them as charity.  I buy entertainment rather than seeking it in relationships with family and friends.  I spend money rather than spending my time and effort, rather than spending my life.  I throw money at any issue, any need.  And now, I am finding that money is a less meaningful currency.  It runs out quickly and doesn't give back.  Spending your time and effort can be meaningful, can give back to you.

This blog is dedicated to my exploration of these issues.  It will document my attempts at and advice for implementing the lessons I learned while living as a poor student.  Most entries will take the form of advice.  Sometimes I will examine larger issues that drive our spending (money or effort).  Sometimes I will point out ways to save money by making sacrifices.  Sometimes I will explore lifestyle choices that are both more fulfilling and more cost effective.  I welcome your suggestions, observations, and (reluctantly) your criticism.  I hope that you find these reflections useful.

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